Susan is a financial advisor from Ohio. She’s tall, dark hair, mid-forties and friendly. Last year Susan and I had a conversation where she said, “Deirdre for the past twelve years my firm has put on an event where we invite clients, their friends and members of the community to pack meals for orphans overseas. It’s a great service to the community and good brand recognition for us, but we’d also love to bring in new clients from the event and we never do, it’s so frustrating! This year I’d like it to be different.”

Fast forward to Nov of last year. Susan and I met up at her company conference where she told me, “I’m so excited, we had our event and you wouldn’t believe it, before it was over, 5 different people came up to me and said, can we meet? 3 have since turned into clients!” So why did this happen? How did she end her firm’s 12-year “no client drought” with this event? Do you want to know?

When Susan introduced herself to the group she emotionally engaged them. See – Emotionally Engaging Advisors™ master two key skill sets! The first skill set learning how to become a Crazy Good Storyteller. Susan learned that skill and used it at this event – that’s what got her the business.

Let me be more specific. Before the group started packing meals Susan took a few minutes to introduce herself. In years past when advisors hosted this event, they did the typical intro: “Hi I’m Deirdre Van Nest with XYZ financial…” You know the drill. But Susan instead told a very specific kind of personal story to introduce herself AND followed a specific process to craft and deliver that story. Because of that, she was the only advisor who connected emotionally with attendees. Because she connected emotionally, she was rewarded with earning their trust and eventually their business!

I want you to have results like Susan when you communicate! So much so that I am on a mission. My mission is that the advisors who learn from me, like Susan, will NEVER be viewed as a commodity. Are you ready to start emotionally engaging with your prospects? Click here to get started with my Emotionally Engaging Advisors™ program today!